I am learning through the years that there are very few people out there who aren't consumed with their own selfish intersests that they could actually and genuinely care.
I am so tired of all the niceties of good, kind, well-meaning churchie folk who walk around asking so many questions about your family just so they can go tell every morsel to their gossip hungry friends.
I am fed up with people looking on my life as if I am so less than them that they go by wagging their heads and their tongues at my expense.
Really! Over the years I have sucked it up, cried alone, prayed to God to forgive me for not having kinder thoughts towards them when maybe I never should have wasted one moments breath in their behalf.
Tough? Bitter?
You go ahead and judge whatever you want to. You will anyway!
I know that there are very few who really care.Unless it is about them.Yes....I started this blog and entitled it Petals in Pain. If you cannot feel the pain inside of me today then you are dead!
If you loved me....you would care!
I have given my life in sacrifice to many and held them when they needed it. I am finding there are very few who go out of their way to offer even the slightest gesture of care when I am the one who suffers.
I am so tired of all the niceties of good, kind, well-meaning churchie folk who walk around asking so many questions about your family just so they can go tell every morsel to their gossip hungry friends.
I am fed up with people looking on my life as if I am so less than them that they go by wagging their heads and their tongues at my expense.
Really! Over the years I have sucked it up, cried alone, prayed to God to forgive me for not having kinder thoughts towards them when maybe I never should have wasted one moments breath in their behalf.
Tough? Bitter?
You go ahead and judge whatever you want to. You will anyway!
I know that there are very few who really care.Unless it is about them.Yes....I started this blog and entitled it Petals in Pain. If you cannot feel the pain inside of me today then you are dead!
If you loved me....you would care!
I have given my life in sacrifice to many and held them when they needed it. I am finding there are very few who go out of their way to offer even the slightest gesture of care when I am the one who suffers.
So....I am understanding more and more what Jesus meant about when others forsake you...the Lord will take you up. He will be closer than a brother. He will never leave or forsake.Who cares?....Jesus!