My experience with Christmas has been difficult. It is sad that such darkness can be experienced in the Season meant for LIGHT. Christmas was never meant to be this way. It was the SEASON of LOVE. The love of God to man.
It has been replaced by stress and heartache, coveting, envy, and greed. Oh, the greediness that is easily seen as many push and shove others in their attempt to get the biggest, brightest, and best gifts.
For many; kindness has gone. Hope, too. And if you look around you will see that there are many faces in which there is deep pain.
__________ won't be coming home this year. __________ will not be sitting at their place at the table anymore. __________ is missing from the arms of a young mother. _____________ grandparent has gone to be with the Lord. __________ is out on the battlefield wishing there was peace. ___________ lays across her bed weeping for her lost love...
Death, rejection, abandonment, poverty, suicide, hatred, greed, lust, selfishness, disease, distress, discouragement, unemployment, lost health insurance, insecurity....and on and on and on the list goes.
For many it is the campaign to remove Jesus Christ from history completely. Christ is the very reason we even have this holiday to celebrate!
Jesus is the hope for every situation a person could ever face. Therefore, if evil men and women are successfull in removing Christ from Christmas it will most assuredly result in a...Merry Christmas-NEVER!