Forgiveness isn't a feeling. It is a choice!
So release those who have caused you pain, discard those old tapes that play those awful scenes of injustice over and over and allow the God of the impossible to help you wipe the debt clean.
That is what He did for you. He paid a debt so costly that we could never begin to repay it...and we never deserved it either!
Forgiveness sets you free. It cuts the very root of bitterness out of your heart.
It allows healing to come...mostly to you. A refreshing of hope dispells the darkness of unbelief.
This was wonderful! Forgiveness even at the price of the cross! An example for us all to remember. Jesus taught us many lessons with his words but Forgiveness is the one he taught us with ultimate sacrifice. It is the most unselfish act one can perform. Perhaps that is why it is so difficult. To forgive means to be unselfish. Removing the self and letting God. BTW love the title also! Love niece Tisha
Whew! It IS so liberating to forgive. I just bowed my head and my heart after being convicted by this article and did some forgiving that needed to have been taken care of a long time ago. Love the messages....Keep writing.
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