I reassured her that I would be careful and try very hard not to hurt her worse than what the hangnail had and that she would be much better once I cut it off.
She let me procede and just as I barely touched her toe she cried out, "OUCH Mamaw it hurts!
I told her that it would only take a second and her pain would end. She let me continue until I got the hangnail removed and then she smiled, jumped down and began to play again...."Pain Free!"
Sometimes this is what God has to do for us. Our lives may sometimes have the minor pain of a hangnail or greater pain than we are able to bear. But He lovingly takes us into his arms and administers the cutting away of that pain. Sometimes it is immediate and sometimes it is a process. We are just like little children and squirm and fear. We pull away from Him and make the process even take longer sometimes, but He is a patient Father.
When at last the work is finished we too will look up to Him in love and thanksgiving and we will be able to enjoy life again.
Fantastic article! Thank God for allowing Him to use you so many times to minister the Healing Balm to me during the cutting time of grief. Write, sister, write!!! Love ya', Pat
rose lady, on the subject of forgiveness, how can one forgive an earthly "father" who has hurt ever so deeply? I would love to experience the healing and blessings that are there for me to recieve after forgiveness, but the pain and deep bitterness hurt and deep deep anger. I know I have to go through the process of lifting each layer of anger off me before I can even think of forgiveness. I have been working at this since my twenties, Im 34....
Dear PinkFlowerButtons,
I can only tell you that forgiveness is not a feeling, but it is a choice. I am sure the Lord himself suffered such anguish on the cross at the hands of those who crucified him...and even though he had every right to condemn them...and all of us for eternity...HE CHOSE to look up to his father and say, "Father, forgive them...for they know not what they do."
People who do unthinkable things do not realize the full consequence of their behavior.
In my own experience with forgiveness of abusers, I pray,
"Heavenly Father, I CHOOSE to forgive __________ for what they have done to me. I know that you are not asking me to put myself back into an unsafe and harmful environment with this individual, but your word says that in order to find forgiveness for myself, I must forgive those who have trespassed against me. I believe that you are producing healing from every stain that this sin against me has caused in areas of anger, resentment, bitterness, etc. and you have freed me from this burden and placed your own yoke upon me which is not heavy to bear, but light. I now receive healing for my crushed, wounded and broken spirit. I do not have the ability within my own self to forgive the unspeakable acts, but I believe that you will forgive ____________supernaturally through my obedience to your word. I submit myself to you in this healing process. Thank you for being the Author and Finisher of my faith. In Jesus Name, Amen!
After this is daily choosing to keep forgiving. You must not confuse emotions with reality. What happended hurts! It has hurt a long time. BUT... one day you will begin to feel good again. You will realize that you no longer carry the heavy burden that you have for so many years.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge HIM and he shall direct thy paths.
The path to forgiveness is the way of the Cross.
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