Monday, February 8, 2010

Memories Fade

Recently, my mother has been experiencing moments of forgetfulness. Last week she commented about a certain meal that I have made for her several times through the years. She said, "Oh, honey...I never knew you made that before!"

I tried to tell her that I had made it for her just last week, but it didn't do any good. She could not remember. All she remembered is that she used to make the same thing when she was younger, but that she didn't know that I made it too.

Later that week, she left the cold water running for awhile before I found that it was on.

I have since then found out that Mom is starting to show some very early signs of dementia. She is 81 years old and her doctor says that she has earned the right to be a "little" forgetful.

It pains me when she experiences these moments as it is a clear sign that she is not as young as she used to be and that health conditions have been a contributing factor.

Many are going through great difficulties and there are some who wish their loved ones could just remember their name or that they are their son or daughter, etc.

Everyday is a blessing! Everyday I have Mom is a precious gift. I will cherish everyone and hold her closely even if her memory fades.

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